Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Understanding the "U" in you.

      In a different dimension, many must've come across this topic from different preachers, teachers, counselors e.t.c but have you looked into it in a different view?            In understanding the "U" in you, these are the  three(3) basic question which you have to ask yourself.
1. Why You?
2. What about Others?
3. Who am I?

             Now judging from your answers to these three(3) questions, it's obvious that the real "U" in you can be derived from you. Often, so many people who were born to be great do fail because of lack of personal decision and determination.
Everyone of us was born to be great. Janet Layen said; "Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important". You are whom you are for a purpose and you are what God said you should be because so many have failed to achieve their aim and goal due to lack of understanding who they are. You are made of great fortune, born to make meanings and to be an example to others.
             Knowing the " U" in you is as simple as knowing what God has deposited in you, what you possess, your capability and ability to create a world of your own. Life has not been fair to you because you haven't upgraded your mind to the level of knowing what or who you are and having believe that you can make it happen.      John Mason said; "we all have creativity in us, it's part of our design. In understanding the " U" in you, the word "FEAR" must be dealt with, very port chisel to carve out your tomorrows. If you are looking at your future from a position of fear, I want you to know that view is inaccurate and desorted. You are the one to decide if the "U" in you will manifest.    Don't let your fear steal from you and prevent you from pursuing your dream.

Yes, with no doubt it must be you, no one else if not you. There is a potential which is the "U" in you which is also why millions pave their way just to be who they are. God's purpose in your life can not be wasted for the manifestation of the "U" (potential) that God has deposited in you. Have you ever asked yourself this question; WHY WILL IT BE YOU? which is why you keep living your life like you're a stranger to yourself. It still has to be you, no one was born to be a failure because knowing the "U' in you unvails the qualities you possess.
             The creativity in you and how to maximize your potential is all in you because you are the image of God and the breath he passed into you makes you the " U" you are today. It's you because it's only you that has the ability to decide on if you'll put your destiny to work, you can also become what you are destined to be by remaining who you are. Do not fear changes because it's the unchangeable law of increase. Therefore, It is you because it's only you that can create the new ideas which can sustain you tomorrow and whether you succeed or fail, it's all in you.
         Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything because no one will decide for "u" in you except only yourself and that is the most essential reason while it must be you.

2. WHAT ABOUT OTHERS ?     You don't need the opinion of others in knowing the "U" in you,because in as much as others have a powerful and great role to play in your life, by being understandable, don't be equally yoke with others and try to be different. Aren't most of the discontented people you know trying to be something, they are not or trying to do something they are not suppose to do? Resolve to be yourself.
           The only depth you owe to others is to emulate from you not the other way round. My mother always say to me back then ; "son always be the you God has destined you to be not what he has destined for others. I.e  everyone has his destiny to follow. You can't become great by imitations, because imitation is limitation .so don't be a copy of something. Make your own impression not living by others.
3. WHO AM I ?
This question has helped many people from failure and it's one of the questions I love asking myself all the time am in a state of jeopardy. Understanding who you are is very essential because it makes you appear different, while some ask themselves this questions without receiving an answer to it. Starting from the biblical aspect of it, I will tell you who you are in the scripture ;
   (1) you are a little god. Gen 1:26 -30 ; you are God's image because he created you through and his own image. Today a lot of people do not know what they possess inside of them and who they are,that's why they are still in the limitation. In other to widen your perception, over this verse, you should know that God had made everything only by Himself, and He saw that everything he created was fine and good, He said; "let's make man in our own image" which signifies His like. We do quote and read this particular chapter without knowing the exact meaning of whom "He" was addressing to.
          When God made man in His own image without breath, He gave man His breath which is the spirit of God in the life of men that passes all understanding. There is an understanding in you as long as you're animated. A son is entitled to his father's name, You are the son of your father, You are a little god.  In understanding this, you will now know that there is a "U" in you that passes all understanding which you need in creating your own world. I AM that I AM is His name and for God being superior, He made it possible for you to be born superior. Which is why when you are being asked of your name, e.g "I AM ONYII SAMUEL JASPER", that " I AM signifies God first in you.
            You are the "U" in you, one who is born of the spirit is spirit and He that is born of flesh is flesh. When you possess this spirit of understanding (spirit of God), you will be able to understand everything you ought to and how to maximize your potential(God purpose) for you; Flesh is canal and a canal mind is a devilish mind, nothing good comes from nothing ; know who you are, walk with the "U" in you, understand yourself and you will excel in all you do.

Saturday, 2 July 2016


1.Maximizing your potential
2.Understanding your vision
3.Achieving your goals/vision's
4.Understanding your dream's 
5.Empowering the youth for now exploits
6.Making men for greater exploits
8.Advertising your carrier's via network

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

The secret of success (part II)

    It is with some hesitation that we bring ourselves to write this little book, entitled “The Secret of Success.” Not that we are not in sympathy with the subject – not that we do not believe that there is a “Secret of Success” – but because there has been so much written on the subject of “Success” that is the veriest twaddle – masses of platitudinous wordiness – that we hesitate to take the position of a teacher of Success. It is so easy to fill pages of paper with good advice – it is so much easier to say things than to do them – so much easier to formulate a code of precepts than to get out into the field of active endeavor and put into practice the same percepts. And, you may imagine why we hesitate to assume a role which would lay us open to the suspicion of being one of the “do as I tell you, and not as I do” teachers of the Art of Success.

     But there is another side of the question. There is, besides the mere recital of a List of Good Qualities Leading to Success – a list with which every schoolboy and reader of the magazines is acquainted – a Something Else; and that Something Else, is a suggestion that the Seeker for Success has a Something Within himself which if expressed into activity and action will prove of great value to him – a veritable Secret of Success, instead of a code of rules. And, so we propose to devote this little book to unfolding our idea of what this Something Within is, and what it will do for one who will unfold it and thus express it into action. So, therefore, do not expect to find this book a “Complete Compendium of Rules Conducive to Success, Approved of and Formulated by the Successful Men of the World who became acquainted with these Rules only after they had Attained Success, and consequently had Time and Inclination to Preach to Others.” This is not a book of that sort. It is Quite Different. We hope you will like it – it will do you good in any event.

     All people are striving and seeking Success. Their idea of Success may differ, but they have all agreed upon the desirability of Attainment. “Attainment”-that is the word, which embodies the essence of that which we call Success. It is the “Getting-There” idea – the idea of Attainment – of Reaching the Goal for which we set out. That is the story – Attainment.

     Many men and women have endeavored to point out the way to Success, and while some have rendered valuable service to those who were following them on the Path of Attainment, yet none have been able to tell the whole story of Success. And this is not to be wondered about, for the reason that on the road to Success each and every individual must be, in a measure a law unto himself, or herself. No two temperaments are exactly alike – Nature delights in variety; no two sets of circumstances are precisely the same – infinite variety manifests here also. And so it would be folly to attempt to lay down rules of universal application, which would surely lead all to the great goal of Success. One has but to look at the all sides and the different needs of the different individuals composing the crowd, in order to recognize the futility of any attempt to lay down lines of universal instruction on this subject. Each and every man who has succeeded has done so in a different way – generally along some original lines of action – in fact, the faculty or characteristic known as Individuality, seems to have played an important part in the success of the majority of persons who have attained it. And Individuality renders those possessing it to a marked degree to be likely to depart from any set of rules or laid-out courses of action. And so, it may be stated as a general principle that each must work out his own Success along the lines of his own Individuality, rather than by following any set rule or line of conduct.

In view of what we have just said, it may seem strange that feeling as we do we have ventured to write a little book entitled “The Secret of Success,” –particularly as we have started the said book by declaring the impossibility of laying down any set rules on the subject. This may seem like a paradox, but a little examination will show you that it is not so. It is true that we believe that each and every person must work out his own Success, along the lines of his own Individuality, instead of along some cut-and-dried plan. And right here is where the “Secret of Success” comes in. “Along the lines of his own individuality,” we have just said – then it must follow that one must possess Individuality before he may work along its “lines. “And in the measure that he possesses Individuality, so will he possess the first prerequisite to Success. And that is what we mean by “The Secret of Success” – INDIVIDUALITY.

Every person possesses dormant and latent Individuality – but only a few allow it to express itself. The majority of us are like human sheep trotting along complacently after some self- assertive bellwether, whose tinkling bell serves to guide our footsteps. We have absorbed the notion somehow that these bellwethers possess the sum and substance of human knowledge and power, and ability to think – and instead of unfolding our own dormant powers, and latent possibilities, we allow them to remain in obscurity, and we trot along, jogitty-joggity-jog after our pet bellwether. People are very much like sheep in this way – they are obedient and imitative animals, and rather than assume the responsibility of directing their own footsteps, they wait until someone takes the lead, and then away they stampede after him. Is it any wonder that the leaders claim the choicest pickings for themselves, and allow the flock to get only the scrubby grass? Not a bit of it – they have earned the choice bits by reason of lock of Individuality and Initiative on the part of those following them – in fact, they were chosen as leaders because of this self-assertive, and self-directive quality. If they had stood back in a modest, mild manner, they would have been pushed aside by the flock that would disclaim them as leaders, in favor of others who knew how to push to the front.

   Now, in this little book we shall not endeavor to awaken a spirit of “bellwetherism” in you, nor to urge you to strive to lead the flock – there is nothing in the mere leading of people other than vainglory and petty self-satisfaction. The desirable thing is to possess sufficient Individuality and Initiative to be your own bellwether – to be a law unto yourself, so far as other men are concerned. The great men – the strong men – care nothing for the flock, which so obediently trots along after them. They derive no satisfaction from this thing, which pleases only inferior minds, and gratifies only petty natures and ambitions. The big men – the great spirits of all ages – have derived more satisfaction from that inward conviction of strength and ability which they felt unfolding into activity within themselves, than in the plaudits of the mob, or in the servility of those imitative creatures who sought to follow in their footsteps.

   And, this thing called Individuality is a real thing. Inherent in each of us, and which may be developed and brought into activity in each one of us if we go about it right. Individuality is the expression of our Self – that Self which is what we mean when we say “I”. Each of us is an Individual – an “I” – differing from every other “I” in the universe, so far as personal expression is concerned. And in the measure that we express and unfold the powers of that “I”, so are we great, strong and successful. We all “have it in us” – it depends upon us to get it out into Expression. And, this Individual Expression lies at the heart of the “Secret of Success”. And that is why we use the term – and that is what we shall tell you about in this little book. It will pay for you to learn this “Secret”.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

The journey to success.( PART.1)

The road to success is a very lonely road,  it is not a journey with friends and relatives but It's only you with your shadow on it. Once you get there, many people will like to be your friend. Have this in mind' "many will also hate you because your success is a higher spotlight shining on their future. Be courageous when embarking on the journey to success, it's not meant for cowards but the brave.  Start your journey to success with a reason, when you feel the Thorn's and heat on the road to this  journey, just remember the reasons why you started. We all traveled on a journey via one reason or the other,  your reasons on this journey to success gives you courage to the end. No one wish to make his journey half way and unaccomplished, to every end of a journey there's often the outcome.  Luttur Ash said; " success is a journey not a destination, the doing is more important than the outcome". How you start on the journey to success guarantee the outcome, the beginning of everything often affect the end. Get prepared and reject absent minded, rather focus on the outcome of it. No one travel's on a far distance journey without learning many things on his way. Only fools get sleep while travelling on a journey to success, reject sleep while travlling. The wise alwayz travel with pen and books writing down every of their new experience on their way. Always have in mind that we all have experience to share to others on how we made it. Get moving. John C. Maxwell'  said in one of his teachings,  "one of the major key  to success is to keep moving forward on the journey, the best of the detains and interruptions, turning adversity into advantage. Have this in your mind " starting the journey to success, always concentrate on the outcome and pretty soon you will get there. Believe in yourself, don't underestimate your ability to accomplish your journey to success. Determination is also needful, having in mind that is not an easy road.  Bo. Benett; quote,  excuse becomes on the journey to success when it is made in a place of your best effort or when it is used as the object of the blame.  Don't  forget it's personal,  not everybody will understand your journey, that's fine. It's not their journey to make sense of, it's yours. The journey to success Begin's with a single step, just make a move and stop dreaming of starting it. Make a move of faith,  you will not know how to do it until you begin to do it. Believing that once your in it that your already there. Avoid contemplation  on the journey to success. Be sure of getting there.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Think as you like but behave like other

If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior. It is far better to blend in and nurture the common touch. Share your originality only with tolerant friends and those who are sure to appreciate your uniqueness.

The leaders of tomorrow

    Children are the future hope of the tomorrow in our society, whatever you want them to become tomorrow depends on what we impact in them, Pretty soon you will see them growing up with it. Our words towards our children matters most. Make use of your words carefully with them even while in their means. Their attitude depends on what they learnt from us. Children are very sensitive and calculative in nature, be careful with your attitude towards them. NOTE : whatever seed you sow in them will soon grow and we will eat the fruit their in whether positive or negative. Not everything they demands from us we give them. We must try our best to give them better life which they deserve from us. The environment we lives in contributes a lot in the upbringing of our children, watch the group of friends they keep at home even at school. Make out time to visit them at school; it is very important to their upbringing, concentrate most with the Look at their face and body speach especially when they are back from school. Ask them questions about what their teachers teaches  them also what they learnt from their school each day they return from school. Be very close to them and learn to associate with them, listen carefully to the words that comes out from their mouth, via their words you could be able to dictate what lies in their heart:positive/negative. Inside their heart Lie's a great thought. Children are the leaders of tomorrow, lets give them the best we can.  A good parents  always proud of their children likewise good children are always proud of their parents. Never regret sending your children to a good and better school, teach them at home what they couldn't learn at school and see the differents between them and other children. A child with a put more effort comment from the teacher in his result needs an excellent result. Children are sweet only when they are brought up in a good way. They are like a seed's, when you plant them on a fertile land,sooner or later you will eat the good food from them.

Monday, 30 May 2016

Dream fetchers

   Get caught dreaming. It's never too late for you to start thinking more creatively. Often is  just a lack of imagination that keeps a person from his potential. Thinking of new ideas is like shaving: if you don't do it every day, you are a bum. Ask God to give you a flow of new exciting and powerful ideas in your life. Constantly frustrate tradition with your creativity and imagination. "Ideas are like rabits. You get a couple and learn to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen" (anonymous). You will get more out of every part of your life if you stay incurably curious. Since it doesn't cost a dime, to dream, you will never short-change yourself when you stretch your imagination". Creativity is built into every one of us; it's part of our design. Each of us lives less of the life intended for us when we choose not to use the creative powers we possess.. @JOHN MASON of Why ask Why.


Overcoming the failure in you

    Opposite of success decrease a man from his equal. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "when you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die". Many died with their good dreams but only few emerged theirs into reality, due to the lack of ability many fails to take action before it's obvious. Of all things you wear, your expression matters most. None of the secret of success will work unless you do, put more ideas in all you do (expression). A failure is not one who fail 'No' but one who failed and refused to stand again,. In saying a firm "NO" to failure you must also do away with laziness because it travels slowly but poverty soon overtakes it.        
    Believe in yourself also believe in that good job/ business no matter how small it is, think unthinkable ways on how to establish it via by making it wider and larger. Don't depend on one rather go for more than two,. Learn to create your own styles "CREATIVITIES",. don't imitate others but have a role models. When you lack opportunities to conquer failure in your business/academic, just make a decisions. The moment you definitely decide, all sorts of things happen to help you that never would have otherwise occurred. Living a double life will get you nowhere twice as fast. Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny," said Tryon Edwards. There is no question that create opportunities by being decisive. If you commit yourself by being indecisive, what kind of life will you live?  James Hightower says. "There's nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos". The truth is that the most dangerous place to be is in the middle of the road. No one conquers failure without taking risk,the journey of greatness is much more of risk.  too many people go through life not knowing what they want, but feeling sure they don't have it. Determination is mostly needed in conquering  the word "failure" the man that lacks determination subject to failure.Determination contribute to SUCCESS.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Until you are tired of hunting; you won't discover the potential in you

Why being jobless after graduating from a high institution? Most of our high school leavers and graduates are jobless nowadays hunting for job tirelessly, until you are tired of hunting one job or another, you won't be able to maximize the potential God has deposited in you. JOHN MASON in one of his book "Why Ask Why" "none of the secrets of success in you works unless you do" i describe the quote above as "existing in possibility and not reality".  When you discover your talent and how to harness it you will definitely begin to make good income. Many are frustrated today due to their dependence on others for their breakthrough. Inability to discover talents has made a lot of graduate to indulge in so many sinful and unbecoming acts...                                                               ...It is noteworthy that the real you desire success which is guaranteed by the 'you' in real you, and not anyone else. Leave your comfort zone! Think innovatively!! Meditate entrepreneurial!!! It's time to  rediscover who really are, so that you can soar like the EAGLE.
To be successful in life, you must resist the pressure of 'set back' and discouragement. It may seem tough in the beginning, but you must persevere; knowing that the 'largest room' in our lives is there just for self improvement. Reject continual job hunting, and migrate swiftly into discovering the potential in you. Say NO to idleness and laziness. Get up today and try something new. Always observe and see a problem within your environment, try to proffer solution, and have your name written in the sand of time. Involve everything around you for maximum impact. Nothing should be neglected because out of 'nothing' emanates 'something,' especially when your faith in God is garnished with a belief in hardworking. Engaging your potential means letting your ideas manifest clearer like still waters, and structured like crystal.
Ideas are like rabbits. Get a couple, learn to handle them, nurture them, sooner than later, you will have a dozen. Don't ever forget these:
* Be quite innovative when putting your ideas to use.
* Think creatively as you journey towards success.
* Never economize your imagination; how big is your dream?
* Exploring new ideas is regular shaving, if you do it daily, you will look ever smarter.
* Having discovered your potential, ask God to influx you with exciting and powerful ideas that will make you 'the story' and not 'a story teller'.
It is not yet late to make amends. You can start now. Never say never in the world of possibility. Come out of your low self esteem and be a SOLUTION TO YOUR GENERATION.   (NEXT).....How i started with just #83.000 and became millionaire.

Monday, 18 April 2016

9 qualities of a good leader

1.UNDERSTANDING: able to understand his followers,the way they behaves and also must be able to create  interactions and personal performance.
2.EXPERIENCE: like it is said' education is the best teacher. Experience and intelligence leads to hard work. Therefore a good leader should be experienced in so many ways in other to guide his followers also to be able and willing to achieve his aims in life.
3.PUNCTUALITY: a good leader must always be punctual in all his doing so as to set examples to his followers. Punctuality is a necessary step that guide a leader to push forwards and excel in whatever tasks he is giving or facing to.
4.CHARISMA: the quality of "brightness "which attract his followers, also enables them to make their points without aggression but firmly. "Must empathy"understanding the way others feels.
5.EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: this enables a good leader describe how well he .treat and relate with the followers even to his personal feeling's. Able to listing actively and elicit information by good questioning.
6.CONSISTENCY &INTEGRITY: able to examine his leadership, who he is and what he stands for "personal and professionaly"  continuously. Must also ensure that it's actions aligns accordingly with complete tramperrency.
7.MOTIVATION: a good leader can be motivated enough by being ambitious, embracing greater goals and putting in time and work to continually improve their own performance.
8.DETERMINATION: being able to battle difficult goals, stands and take on tough challenges or recover quickly from setbacks.
9.CURIOSITY: openness to new experiences and information's,. Eagerness for feedback on how the followers are doing including their strength and areas of improve.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Our History speaks louder than our money

  Though it's unexpected to received such topic from the icon visionary institute, but fidelity is the fact. Here we understand "HISTORY" as the knowledge that studies the past,.. As well as A general acceptable means of exchange and measure of value,.. "MONEY".
History is something a leader can do without. Here in Africa today, we have gotten a lot of History that still guild and  strengthens us. We also lives and survived  under the strength and virtue of our past leaders ' HISTORIES'.
  NELSON MANDELA is one of our great leader with example in whom we have lived and survived under the virtues and strength of His leadership,  in one of his books He quoted 'Africans today learnt to survived  on the records and narrative description of our past event....  Your past event has a lot to do with your future when it comes to the history which you lives and breath on. Every successful leader do not need Money more than History. Your History guarantees the strength of your future( wealth, powers, firms, etc).knowing where,when and how you become a leader stands your ability and capability that qualifies your leadership

Monday, 11 April 2016

12 Principles of LEADERSHIP.

1.Purpose: sense of destiny.
2.Vision: perception of a noble future.
3.Passion:commitment beyond test.
4.Conviction: deep believe of rightness.
5.Compassion: love of dignity.
6. Principals: standards of functions.
7.Values: code of ethics.
8. Plan: plan for execution.
9. Persistence: commitment to success.
10. Dedication: endurance to opposition.
11. Sacrifice: willing to suffer for.
12. Accountable: submission.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

25 moral lesson's of SUCCESS

1. No matter how you feel, where you are is not enough.....
2. The way you manage when you have nothing and the way you behave when you have everything are the two things that brings happiness and success in your life.
3. EGO is the only requirement that destroy a relationship be a bigger person, skip the "E" and let it GO.
4. If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you lost.
5. Every Boss started as a worker.
6. Success do comes to those who are busy to be looking for it.
7. Work until your Idol becomes your Rivals.
8. It's not about how big the house is.  It's about how happy the home is.
9. Take chances when you are young so that you can tell the story when you are old.
10. Never settle for less than what you deserve.
11. Intelligence is admitting that you don't know everything.
12. Its harder to be weak when everybody thinks you are strong.
13. Please do what you love, find a way, no excuses.
14. Mindset is everything what you think is what you become.
15. It's going to happen because you will make it happen.
16. Accept defeat if the need be so you live to fight tomorrow.
17. Everything you need is already inside you. Get started.
18. If you want to be successful, you must learn to walk alone.
19. Choice is simple, work on your dreams or someone else.
20. You were not giving this life to be average.
21. This goal isn't about the money but living your life the way you want it.
22. Mindset is what separates the best from the rest.
23. Hang out with people who are smarter than you, you will see the different.
24. If they make you an option, make them your history.
25. If you wake up without any goal, Go back to sleep.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Here' we helps you on this following

* Understanding your capability and ability on creating a Vision. 
* Widen up your  mind on transforming  the little you have into enough. 
* Understanding the fact that where you are is not enough. 
* With what you have, you can get what you want. 
* Guiding your Visions.    
* Understanding your dreams. 
* Creating a job opportunity for you.  
*  ETC

Sunday, 27 March 2016

4 Basics Facts about SUCCESS

1. WHAT:- Knowing what is "success" will guide you to choose if you want it or not. It's only a fool that goes for what he/she knows nothing about. In your knowledge of SUCCESS lies  the choice as to succeed or not. This choice  becomes your first step to achieving greatness in life. The choice you made TODAY defines your TOMORROW.

2. WHERE:- It is a thing of the mind, as a man thinks in his heart, so he is. Knowing whom you are guarantees your capability and ability to succeed. This ABILITY is in you as a person and in a place, hence, go for success. An idle man is a failure. Success comes when your ABILITY is committed to work. Live a life of success by investing in you and watch how it works for you. Be hardworking. Don't let the people around you underestimate your capability to be innovative. Say a firm "NO" to failure carrier's. You are an epitome of SUCCESS.

3. HOW:-The more you look, the more you see and the more you know. How far you can see determines how much you will know. Your words depict who you are.
  Information is education, education is knowledge, knowledge is power. This POWER can create WEALTH. therefore, go for it. A shortest pencil is longer than a longest memory; learnt to make note of as much information as you can acquire. Be slow in speaking but swift in hearing. Subject all information to "reality mash" so as to sieve the ones you commit to memory. What you hear and commit to memory plays huge roles in your MAKING. "Active leaders are influential leaders", commit your mind to intensive reading books that are meaningful and motivational, magazines, commentaries as well as articles that will bring out the SUCESS in you. Information is powerful.  Go for it!!!

4. WHEN:-Times is an endless entity. It walks, jumps, runs and flies in accordance with your vision and plan. 'NOW' and 'ALWAYS' are the best time to do what you have to do. Your success is sure and undeniable,. Go for it.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

3 powerful reason why you must succeed in life

1>Is in you.
2>It will manifest your uniqueness and bring back your fulfillment in life.
3.It gives God joy.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

7 Rules for building a successful business

               by Onyii samuel jasper:
     Rule (1).  
Believe in it more than anybody else think, if you love your work you must be out there everyday trying to do it the best you possibly can, and pretty soon everybody around will catch the passion from you -like a fever.

  in return they will also treat you as partner and together you will all perform beyond your wildest expectations. Remain a corporation but behave as a servant leader with your partners. Encourage your associates to hold a stake in the company.

The more they know, the more they will understand, the more they understand the more they will care and once they care, there's no stopping them. If you  trust your associates to know what's going on, they will know you really
 consider them as partners, information is power,  the power you get from empowering your associates more than offsets the risk of informing your competitors.

 If you do they will come back over and over, Give them what they want and a little more. Let them know you appreciate them and make good on all your mistakes, don't make excuses-apologize . Stand behind everything you do.

  This is where you can always find the competitive advantage.  You can make a lot of different mistake and still recover if you run an efficient corporation

  Find some humor in your failures, don't take yourself so seriously,  loosen up and everybody around will loosen up. Have fun,  show enthusiasm-always. When all else fails, put on a costume

  Don't do the way others do and be creative because creativity is the number1 secret of every successful business and learn to be different.

Friday, 18 March 2016

The importance of acheving your goals and potentials

:It brings back your uniqueness. 
:It eliminates life of trial and error. 
:It gurantee fulfillment and self actualization. 
:It help to make vital decision like group of friends or associations including marriage. 
:It will reveal your purpose.